Wednesday, 14 January 2009

PHOTO #14: Yum!

Things I like to have in my fridge. Not exhaustive by far, maybe not even representative. Note that I don't eat the goose fat straight from the jar, it's for roasting potatoes. And that Sauternes is run-of-the-mill stuff, but we don't really know each other yet, so I was not going to share my best bottles with you!


Andrea said...

Un bon vin blanc, du vacherin (succulent chaud avec poivre, charcuerie et pomme de terre, testé et approuvé au menu du réveillon, chocolat noir à l'orange, que demande le peuple ?^^

Abraham Septimus said...

Actually, le peuple is very demanding, and wishes for much, much more, not the least of which would be pink grapefruit sorbet from Berthillon on the Ile St-Louis. Mmmm!

Andrea said...

I beg to differ nougat glacé ou chocolat (très chocolat) ^^ de Berthillon. Ces options sont aussi un régal!

Abraham Septimus said...

The chocolate sorbet from Berthillon is pure EVIL, created specially to lead us into temptation. I love it!