Tuesday, 13 January 2009

PHOTO #13: Landscape with salt and pepper

In a café at the airport.


Andrea said...

Très savant comme composition. Une belle perspective de sallières et poivriers et un joli flou artistique de personnes derrière. Que d'abondance dans les épices !

Andrea said...

last but no least avec un reflet dans le miroir!

Abraham Septimus said...

Thank you. I liked the reflection on the varnished table too, a bit like buildings reflected into the water. But it was really all a question of choosing the right angle and shooting.

Anonymous said...

Belles les photos... ca donne envie de prendre l'avion !

Abraham Septimus said...

If you're like me, you won't need much of an excuse to take the plane anyway. Do come and visit London, it's a great place.